So, I started this blog way back and I am indeed so excited to write again, to share my life with the world. I've always been a very private person, I'd rather say a shy person. So after so many years of running away from writing and sharing my thoughts about life and learning from peoples experiences, I thought of opening up this site today to write on what I've been up too and also share with you guys my experience. 

So what have I been up too?

I moved to Estonia in 2017 to study a BSc program in Environmental protection and am finally done, still looking at going for masters and probably PhD but menhnnnn, Man needs money right? 

Well for those who haven't heard about Estonia, it’s a country in Northern Europe, which borders the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland. Including more than 1,500 islands, its diverse terrain spans rocky beaches, old-growth forest and many lakes. It was formerly part of the Soviet Union. The capital is Tallinn, which is known for its preserved Old Town, museums and the 314m-high Tallinn TV Tower, which has an observation deck. Estonia is a cool place to be, but very sweet if you're into the IT sector. You're sure to get a job in one of the start-ups.  

Life has been so sweet, so good. Although it isn't easy here, if you don't know the language, so I'd advise those who might want to come here in the nearest future to put that in mind and try to learn Estonian, this would certainly help you integrate properly. There have been lots of obstacles along the line and it's not easy out here. The struggles to survive, the struggles to pay rent, school fees and other pieces of stuff, also not to forget sending money home. Sometimes, I missed home, my family, but what to do? One can't stay back in Nigeria knowing the situation of the country and the bad governance there. Sometimes, I breakdown, get depressed, as a matter of fact, I never knew that word "Depression" while I was in Nigeria but funny enough, I get out of it by speaking to people I know wouldn't judge me, but rather motivate and inspire me to strive hard and be better.

One thing I've learnt over the years and am going to share is, 

"Life is a drama, you have to infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen, you have to make it happen, make your own future, make your own hope, make your own love. Create your future by learning from your past and taking control of your present, protect your own peace." 

Did I also mention that I took a bold step in transitioning into the IT sector? I had a passion for IT and had always done it a halfway but I bet you that this time, am surely going to finish the training and I would keep you up to speed on this. Well, I don't intend to make this write up a long one.  

Please, kindly leave a comment in the section below, with your questions, tell me what you think and am sure to respond.



  1. This is quite an eye opener and is very much inspiring....spotting the throes of living in a foreign land.....we expect more from you.....

    1. Oh thanks so much, be sure to get more information from this space.

  2. Seriously, Life is beautiful when you have beautiful people and God around you, what a nice piece.

    1. I've come to learn and understand that God brings positive minded people to around you to hold you up during the downtime. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Thanks for the write up.
    I can feel you very well.
    Keep it up.

  4. Nice work bro, I'd like to connect with you.

  5. Chimaobi Pascal RichardJanuary 31, 2021 at 11:23 AM

    Very inspiring. I miss you bro.

  6. Nice write up. It carries the audience along and I can't wait to see your subsequent write ups. Good work bro!

    1. I am so humbled brother, you know I learn from you. I see your videos back to back. I told myself that I need to conquer that fear within and come out of that shell.
      More grace bro.

  7. Magnificent write up..

  8. Wow! this is an amazing write up, I am inspired by it.


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