Donald Trump has some thoughts about Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina and gender equality

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Presidential candidate Donald Trump took some thinly veiled shots at his female rivals, Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina, in his new book.
Crippled America, which was released on Tuesday, includes a section in which the billionaire addresses his controversial comments about womenby describing the way he treats women who work at his various businesses.
“None of the people who whine about the way I talk to women mention the fact that I voluntarily promoted gender equality in a male-dominated industry,” Trump wrote. “The women who work and have worked for me will vouch for the fact that I was as demanding of them as I was of their male counterparts.”
Trump does have a long history of placing women in high-profile roles in his various ventures. Trump went on to suggest this aspect of his business career proves he is more committed to gender equality than either Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO now running against him in the GOP primary, or Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner and former secretary of state. 
“That’s the kind of gender equality we need: Leadership that inspires the best in people, male or female,” Trump wrote of his management style, adding, “Not a wishy-washy former secretary of state who doesn’t understand the lunacy of having her own private email server.”
The next line in the book seemed clearly addressed to Fiorina, who has faced criticism for layoffs that occurred when she helmed the massive computer company from 1999 to 2005. 
“Laying off thousands of workers and leaving companies in a mess is also not an accomplishment, at least not one to be proud of or to pretend qualifies you to run our country,” Trump wrote. 
Trump discussed his new book at a press conference and signing at his Manhattan headquarters, Trump Tower, on Tuesday. However, he declined to directly answer a Yahoo News question about whether his comments about gender equality were meant to suggest Clinton or Florina were somehow invalid in speaking about their gender in discussions of their qualifications. Instead, Trump doubled down on his praise for his own treatment of the women who work for him.
“I have been amazing with respect to the hiring of women. This building was built as the head person — who was fantastic — by a woman, and that was at a time when you didn’t see that in the construction trades. I mean it was totally unique,” Trump said. “I have many, many executives upstairs and in different buildings that I have that are women, many, a proportion that’s close to 50 percent, might even be over 50 percent if I analyze it. And they get paid a lot of money, in many cases more than men doing the same job. So women have always appreciated that about me. I’ve been, in terms of employment, really a standout, and I’ve been honored for doing so well with women.” 
